Friday, August 9, 2013

Winger signed as Gervinho departs? Arsenal……

Winger signed as Gervinho departs?  Arsenal……

Morning Gooners,
Gervinho has finally departed, he’s joined Roma. I personally wish him the very best of luck, luck that I don’t think he’ll need. He’s not a bad player, he’s just been been misplaced within our side and being asked to play as a loan striker was the beginning of the end of his Arsenal career.
Football fans are ruthless and when players under perform time after time, they want rid.
So one more out and rumour is, one has been snapped up and on his way in. That’s 27 year old French League 2 winger/striker Alharbi El Jadeyaoui who has been on trial with us. Now French journalist Mickael Martin Haim is claiming that we have signed him on a permanent deal. Not sure how much truth is in that but I guess we’ll soon hear one way or another.
One who isn’t coming to Arsenal is Luis Suarez, well according to John Henry. Mind you, back in 2010 he said that Torres wouldn’t be sold. The following transfer window he went to Chelsea. £50 million back then, maybe it will take that amount today….
Onto Steves post:
You will have noticed that I’ve put the managers name in front of the club. I suspect some may think that I’m wrong, but I have been a staunch supporter of his since he first came.
Yes I’m a Gooner through and through but I must admit I am not much of a statistics man.
Many members of this blog are statistics men and they can tell you any statistic you want to know. If I’m honest though, statistics, although clever, bore me but I understand that we all support in our own ways and use different tools to judge the way the team play and players perform.
Myself, I love to see flowing football, I love to see forward attacking passes, directness and what I love most is gifted players working their way towards goal and finishing off with the ball in the back of the net. Now that’s what I call football.
442 or 44 whatever, means very little to me, a team with 11 players working together to move forward and score goals is what counts. Players who want to play and make it look as if it really matters to them makes me warm towards a player. A goalkeeper who may have stood almost stationery for most of the game but when called on makes a save of the season. That makes me makes me jump for joy.
I am very easily pleased when it comes to football, and when my team win no matter how bad they have played, that has me punching the air.
Arsenal have had some good times during my lifetime they have also had some rotten ones but its the first fixture I checked to see the result of when I was younger and it wasn’t so easy to find out back then. I also looked for the neighbours, something I suspect most Gooners do.
Arsene Wenger is a man who will always divide supporters, while he was having good times the fans loved him, chanted his name and made endearing posters up for him, but things change when a football clubs fortunes dip a bit and 8 years is a massive dip in some supporters eyes.
I used to think that the moaning fans were the younger fans who had started supporting when Arsenal were in full stride or simply because of Arsene Wenger but I was wrong.  Many are supporters as old as myself and they expect Arsenal to be the top dogs. I myself would love that to be the case but in todays game and with money no object for some clubs, you have to realise that some clubs cannot live with that kind of spending.
Arsenal football club have for as long as I can remember, been one of the biggest clubs in the league. We have our own history which compares if not betters many others, but even in the old days there were clubs that just had that little bit more and much of the time, that little extra made all the difference. Time moves on and money seems to have gone to  those clubs who have had to wait a lot longer than 8 years for success but they are the clubs which now rule the roost.
You know as well as me that will not always be the case and now that our finances are said to be better I expect us to step up a gear.
Arsene Wenger, many have said that he brought to Arsenal a new way of playing football, many said he had vision. I believe he came in and saw we had problems with drunks, gamblers probably drug users and a lack of fitness that the afore mentioned brings with it.
He changed that and helped players  on and off the pitch, he kept them playing a darn sight longer than they should have done because of a chance in the players diet, training and fresh ideas and new people to make sure those changes were made.
In actual fact he transformed Arsenals structure.
At the time I wasn’t aware of the changes taking place, but it all became very clear when I finally got to see the team play.
Wenger has had a few barren years, it looks like he has lost his way and his body language on match days has changed. His whole demeanour has changed and we started to see the Basil Fawlty together with the kicking of bottles, being sent to the stands and his many bans in Europe. That has made him who he is and I have taken that man to my heart.
I know that with Wenger, I get the feeling that he loves Arsenal nearly as much as me… (ha ha)
Lots of things have changed at Arsenal and I won’t go over them all but I believe for they have all been for the better. Granted, our lack of success sticks in my throat as I know it does yours but we must be coming to the end of that.
Many will say that Wenger needs to move on for Arsenal to get glory back again and I’m not going to say those stalwarts are wrong but what I would say to them is look at Arsenal and compare them with the rest of the league. Not the jumped up clubs just the run of the mill clubs and ask yourself who would you change with?
I know where my allegiance is and I still have faith in the Frenchman to win us get us back to the good times but you are the fans, you are the people that have made Arsenal who they are today.

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