Did you know that Home sickness is normal
is a normal experience during transitions. It is when you have
difficult emotions about being away from home. It can be seen as a way
of dealing with the loss of people you care about, the loss of feeling
comfortable in your environment, the loss of routine, the loss of
feeling confident and the loss of familiarity. Because you know home is
still there and you can go back to it, this makes dealing with its
absence and focusing on university life that much harder.
Homesickness can also be described as separation anxiety because you
have moved away from home and are separated from all that is familiar.
Being homesick is often a sign that you have happy, healthy
relationships with people back at home and that you are missing these
important people
It is really important to realize that you are not the only one feeling
homesick and that it doesn't in any way mean you are inadequate. You
have just moved from a relatively secure and small set of relationships
to become an anonymous member of a twenty thousand plus community where
you know no-one. Many students coming to university, and maybe leaving
home for the first time, feel homesick. Even those who didn't ever
expect to be hit by homesickness can suddenly find themselves missing
the familiarity of home and friends, and don't know quite how to cope
with the resulting emotions. This is entirely normal and passes, usually
in the first term, and often within the first few weeks.
So don't be too harsh on yourself for experiencing something that is
completely normal. In fact by accepting that these feelings are normal
you will usually feel better quicker.
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